Over 40 Happy Years of creating a happy and secure environment in which your child can explore, play and learn

Catering for Children from 2.5 years up to school age.

See our availability and bookingsRegister for a look around session

“My little one is so happy here, fabulous, happy place for kids.”

“My little one is so happy here, fabulous, happy place for kids.”

One of our many happy parents

St Mary's Playgroup and Preschool


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Terms Times & News

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St Mary's Playgroup and Preschool

About us/What we do

Find out more about how we help create  areas for children to learn and explore

St Mary's Playgroup and Preschool

Our Team

See who we are, and what experiences and skill sets we have to enhance the learning experiences of your child.


Find out what & when everything happens


  At St. Mary’s our staff to child ratio is kept at 1 adult to 6 children over 3 years and 1 adult to 4 children under 3 years. (Recommended ratios for pre-school child care are 1:4 (children under 3 yrs) and 1:8 (children over 3 yrs). Making sure we always have plenty of time and opportunity to give each child the care and attention they deserve.

Several members of our staff have more than ten years experience working in early years education and childcare. All attend ongoing training sessions, ensuring our high standards are kept up-to-date and within national standard guidelines (Early Years Foundation curriculum).


Monday: 08:45am-1pm (am session) 12pm-3:30pmpm (pm session) 08:45am-3:30pm (all day)

Tuesday: 08:45am-1pm (am session) 12pm-3pm (pm session) 08:45am-3:30pm (all day)

Wednesday: 08:45am-1pm (am session) 12pm-3:30pm (pm session) 08:45am-3:30pm (all day)

Thursday: 08:45am-1pm (am session) 12pm-3:30pm (pm session) 08:45am-3:30pm (all day)

Friday: 08:45am-1pm (am session) 12pm-3:30pm (pm session) 08:45am-3:30pm (all day)

Children bring along a packed lunch for the above sessions. A healthy snack is provided mid morning for all children along with a drink.


Monday we have a lovely Nan who comes to visit and she helps the children with outside gardening activities including tending our allotment.

Tuesday (alternate)we have The Musicman, the children absolutely love and thrive when experiencing the different sounds of the musical instruments and get creative with songs and rhythm.

Wednesday is our Sporting Mini Sessions. These sessions enable the children to grow in confidence with using their bodies appropriately. There are many opportunities for hand eye co-ordination, gross/fine motor skills and team building

Thursday and Friday are our cookery days which the children always look forward to. A chance for more understanding of weighing and measuring, change in texture and a greater understanding of food in general. 

Self Development

We see our setting as the first rung of the education ladder.  Our setting is based in a large and airy building with well thought out and child friendly zones for play and learning.

we aim to encourage your child to understand, remember and respect simple requests and boundaries.

We aim to encourage your child to become independent, e.g. to put on their own coat/shoes, washing hands being independent when toileting and to use simple tools appropriately, safely and  with confidence.

Outdoor learning is valued and encouraged. We have a large outside play area that the children access each day.
We also have a small allotment where the children can grow their own fruit and veg and then we use the produce for snack times and our cookery sessions.

“St Mary’s Playgroup has given our two children a great start to their early years, learning how to play and interact with other children. The staff are absolutely amazing and the environment they have created is so nice for the kids. We couldn’t recommend it enough.”

One of our many happy parents

Term Times & News  

Dates for the diary


At St. Mary’s our staff to child ratio is kept at 1 adult to 6 children over 3years and 1 adult to 4 children under 3years. Making sure we always have plenty of time and opportunity to give each child the care and attention they deserve.

Several members of our staff have more than ten years experience working in early years education and childcare. All attend ongoing training sessions, ensuring our high standards are kept up-to-date and within national standard guidelines (Early Years Foundation curriculum).

See what we've been getting up too

See out latest blog posts of all teh adventures the children get up too We share information and news with our parents during the week via our Facebook page 

Autumn Term

Autumn – 2024

Term 1                  4th Sept – 23rd Oct  (inset days 24th & 25th Oct)


Winter Term

Winter – 2024

Term 2                  4th Nov – 20th Dec

Spring Term

Spring – 2025

Term 3                  6th Jan – 14th Feb

Term 4                  24th Feb – 11th Apr

Summer Term

Summer – 2025

Term 5                  28th April – 23rd May

Term 6                  2nd Jun – 18th July

Playgroup Fees & Funding

Our rate for all children is currently £6.00 per hour.

Our activity charges are as follows:

Garden – Included in our hourly rate

The Music Man – £6.00 per half term

Sporting Minis – £8.00 per half term

Cookery – £6.00 per half term.


All 3 year olds are entitled to 15hrs of free funding per week from the government. We accept 2yr funding along with the 30hr funding.

We will be accepting children from 2  years old in September  23.

We are also signed up to various childcare vouchers schemes, for a full list of the companies, please see Childcare vouchers tab below.


For more information and to find out if you qualify for the above please go to www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

Childcare Vouchers

Company / Account/Reg No.

FairCare / STMA0513

All Save Select / ‘St Marys Playgroup’

Fideliti / STMO40C

Sodexo / 823617

Care4 / 03551851

Kiddivouchers / 8037 568190237

Edenred/Accor / P20311306 or Membership No.

Computershare Voucher Services / 0016474868

Co-Op / 85106832

Salary Exchange / TRP0005653

About Us/ What we get up to

Our values

Our Aims

To create a happy and secure environment in which your child can explore, socialise, play and learn.

· To promote consideration and respect for others needs and values.

· To improve and develop listening, language, mathematical, personal and social, physical and practical skills.

· To provide stimulating and exciting opportunities to encourage your child’s concentration.

· To help your child become socially aware and interact respectfully in a group setting.

· To encourage your child to understand, remember and respect simple requests and boundaries.

In Depth progress reporting

We acknowledge that you know your child the best and we value communication with you regarding your child.

We give an in-depth information progress report in the Summer term and a 2 year progress check before your child’s 3rd birthday, we also keep an ongoing record of development (learning journey) during your child’s time with us. Parents have the opportunity to discuss any concerns or successes with the child’s key worker by mutually convenient appointment.

We share information and news with our parents during the week via our Facebook page.

We are always on hand to share updated information over the 7 areas of learning within the EYFS (early years of learning) which helps us carry the child forward on to their next steps of skills and development.

Enriching Children's life experiences

Children are our primary concern. We encourage pre-schoolers and their parents of all race, abilities or religion, promoting diversity intertwined throughout.

We respect all aspects of their cultures and seize upon different traditions and festivals as a valuable sharing in learning experience.

We value any special skills, experiences and talents that parents may have and appreciate it if these can be shared with the Playgroup during sessions to further enrich the children’s learning and development.


St Marys Play Group


Our setting is based in a large and airy building with well thought out and child friendly zones for play and learning.

Our staff to child ratio is kept at 1 adult to 6 children over 3 years and 1 adult to 4 children under 3 years. Making sure we always have plenty of time and opportunity to give each child the care and attention they deserve.

Outdoor learning is valued and encouraged. We have a large outside play area that the children access each day. We also have a small allotment were the children can grow their own fruit and veg and then we use the produce for snack times and our cookery sessions.

There is a warm friendly atmosphere with very experienced staff. In May 2013, St. Mary’s received a very good OFSTED report praising many of the outstanding aspects of the provision we offer. Read the OFSTED report (Ref: 101598) in full here.

St Marys Play Group

Wellness of Children

Our setting promotes healthy living and good personal hygiene. Food and drinks are carefully planned to be nutritious and any special dietary requirements are facilitated.
All staff are first aid trained and staff preparing snacks and cookery sessions have food hygiene training.

Our Lovely Team 


At St. Mary’s we are making sure we always have plenty of time and opportunity to give each child the care and attention they deserve.

Several members of our staff have more than ten years experience working in early years education and childcare. All attend ongoing training sessions, ensuring our high standards are kept up-to-date and within national standard guidelines (Early Years Foundation curriculum).

Have any other questions? 


If you are unable to find an answer please reach out to us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions on a much personal note.


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